Hi, my name's Danny Saucedo. I am an artist, musician and writer. I live in Berkeley, CA and I'm available for concerts, graphic design, painting and sculpture commissions, songwriting, storytelling, merch and album art for your band, weddings (yes, really), puzzle-making, joke-telling, homework and SAT tutoring, and long conversations about Batman. Contact me regarding any of that at daniel.j.saucedo@gmail.com.
My entire back catalog is available on
for listening and digital download. In 2011, I did a year-long project: the Year-of-EPs. Every month, I wrote, recorded and released a five-track EP with the help of some really talented friends. All twelve are free to download and you can check out a few below or click here to hear the rest.
Listen to my full-length studio album.
If you're interested in booking me, playing a show with me, jamming or just want me to come over and play in your living room, email me at daniel.j.saucedo@gmail.com.
I have a degree in Graphic Communication from Calpoly San Luis Obispo. Some of my paintings are currently on display at 975 Howard Studio.
I blog about art and post my own work on my tumblr.
Art for Sale, Commissions, Band Art, Merch and Songwriting
::Art for Sale::
I have fine art for sale here on my tumblr. These are from a series I call "Vonnegutia." They are based around a loose collection of aesthetic rules that I've been playing around with since college. If you're interested in purchasing a piece, email me at daniel.j.saucedo@gmail.com.
Commissions are always welcome and are often some of the work of which I'm most proud. These four 'chunkstyle' canvases (4" x 4" x 1.5") were part of a very enjoyable commissioned series. To give you a sense of my process, here is a snippet of my correspondence with the Patroness of this series:
Me: "Give me your preferences in color and theme/subject...(it) could be as simple as 'flowers,' as complex as 'dinosaurs made of asparagus' (a real request I received a few weeks ago), or as esoteric as 'that feeling you get when you leave the house and you are sure that you have forgotten something.'"
Patroness: "I'm using complimentary colors to decorate my place: orange, yellow, indigo--inspired by van gogh night cafe...rabbits, anatomical hearts, skeletons, esp ribs, clavicle, spine, pelvis, dinosaurs, deer, a sense of home and stability."
From there I produced twelve paintings, and the Patroness chose her three favorites. Every job is different, so send your inquiries to daniel.j.saucedo@gmail.com for details.
::Band Art::
I designed this button and sticker for the excellent dudes of Posole. If you'd like me to design merch or album art for your music, email me at daniel.j.saucedo@gmail.com.
Bens' Klein illustrated this scene of Cactus Jack and, what I presume is, Guntown Mountain. I digitally colored it and did the layout for this truly kickass album by Guntown.
I have t-shirts and other kinds of merchandise on my cafepress page. I am available and interested in making merchandise for your band, organization or inside joke.
My services are available as a songwriter for you or your band. I'm most comfortable with rock, but am not unfamiliar with writing pop, R&B, or country. Price negotiable. Email me at daniel.j.saucedo@gmail.com.
I'm a contributor and puzzle-master for Firecracker Forum. I am also working on a number of other writing projects right now, including several comic books, a children's book and a young adult sci-fi novel.
Why aren't you Swedish?
I don't know how to tell you this, but you've found the wrong Danny Saucedo. He and I share a name, a birthday (February 25th---I'm one year older), a profession, mixed Eastern European and Hispanic heritage, beautiful blonde hair and washboard abs. All of that's true. I tried to contact him once and never heard back. My dream is to: a) sing a duet with him (Danny Saucedo ft. Danny Saucedo) and b) earn the right to a disambugation link on wikipedia. Like I always say, "Jag ar den riktiga Danny Saucedo!"
I wrote a song about us. (Disclaimer: Swedish indie-pop crooner Jens Lekman did not actually instruct me to behead my doppelganger.)
This is my favorite Svenska-Danny-Saucedo video: